You are subscribing pay U-Global on either a monthly or annual basis, for web Hosting services via PayPal. Please read the terms and conditions below so that you fully understand your hosting package. If you have a PayPal account, simply click the button, login and set up your subscription. If you don’t, then simply click the button and register, and then set up your subscription.
By clicking on the PayPal button, you are confirming that you have read and that you accept the terms ans conditions on this page, and on the Terms and Conditions page.
NEIS Monthly Hosting | Standard or Business Monthly Hosting | Standard or Business Annual Hosting |
- Under normal circumstances, your web site domain back office will be available within 24 to 48 hours of your payment being received, and possibly within a few minutes, and a default domain password and setting details will be sent to the email you registered on the previous page.
- If your control panel is not available within 48 hours and we haven’t contacted you with a reason, please contact us in case something has gone amiss in the communications process.
- Please login and change this password at your convenience. If you lose your password, it will be manually reset and sent to your registered email address
- For your convenience, all web sites come equipped with cPanel management software and an automatic WordPress installer as well as CRM, Joomla and other web site and customer resource management packages.
- Your monthly fee will be debited every month for 12 months, or until you cancel or upgrade your subscription.
- This offer is valid for 12 months from the date of registration, after which you will need to renegotiate payment terms to one of the regular hosting packages as listed on our home page.
- Should you choose not to upgrade at the end of the 12 months, then the conditions listed below will apply at the end of your subscription period.
- SPAM and the Proliferation of Malware of any description will not be tolerated. Should your domain be reported for acts of SPAM or spreading Malware your domain will be black-listed, your service will be cancelled, and you will be reported to the authorities in your jurisdiction.
- Only child friendly material will be tolerated. Anything illegal in Australia. Any Adult sites, sites with images or text that promote anything deemed by management to be inappropriate for children to view, anything to do with acts of terrorism, hate, the promotion of violence, any foul language, if it should not be shown to a primary school aged child, it will be removed and your domain black-listed and no refunds given and as appropriate and necessary by the laws of Australia, reports sent to the authorities. Sorry. Lingerie fits the description of NSFC.
- Inclusions: Anything specifically listed on this page and the section on the home page that you clicked to arrive here. Errors and omissions excepted.
- Your hosting package is a hosting only service. please see the next item for further details.
- If your service is not available due to our servers failing, then it will be fixed at no charge.
- For any other reason, additional fees apply.
- Exclusions: Anything not specifically listed on this page or in the specific section relating to this offer on the home page. Errors and omissions excepted.
- Additional Services: Your hosting package does not include any web site advice, template or other file installation of any description, troubleshooting, or background work of any type or description whatsoever.
- Assistance: If you need assistance, that will be an additional fee to be negotiated based on what is required.
- Back-ups Although back-ups are performed by the server controllers and U-Global Hosting, Back-ups of your data are not controlled by U-Global Hosting. There is a back-up facility in your cPanel management area. Please schedule regular back-ups and ensure they are carried out. Item 4 applies in the event of data loss.
- Malware: While our servers are regularly scanned for malware, it may still infect your site from time-to-time for any number of reasons. There is a virus buster included in your cPanel management area. Please use it regularly, because having a virus on your web site will get you banned from the major search engines.
- Data Loss: U-Global Hosting is not responsible for any data loss you may incur. Please see item 3 for back-up .
- Financial Loss: While every precaution is taken, and security measures are in place U-Global Hosting cannot be held responsible for any financial loss, real or potential, which you may suffer while using our servers for your hosting.
You can cancel your subscription at any time and the following conditions will apply:
- This process is controlled by PayPal. Please login to your PayPal account and cancel your subscription. Future payments will cease forthwith.
- Your web site will remain visible until the end of the billing cycle paid for.
- Ensure you make a back-up of your web site prior to the end of the billing cycle, because your web site will disappear from the Internet and nobody will be able to access any information at the end of the paid billing cycle.
- No refunds will be given under any circumstances. Items 2 and 3 apply at all times.
Privacy Statement
- The details as collected on the registration form are required by law for identifying any individual or entity who is responsible for the web content.
- Your details will be added to our regular mailing list and from time-to-time, updates will be sent out.
- There is a account control button withe very email, and you can opt out of receiving updates at any time.
- The information sent will be relevant to your hosting package only, and may contain information on your account expiry/renewal dates. Therefore, it is not advisable to opt out or you may miss some vital information that may cause your web site to disappear from the Internet.
- Your details will not be passed on or sold to any third parties not directly involved with U- Global Hosting and the efficient running and delivery of your web hosting package.