NEIS Participant Web Site Hosting.
Just AUD $3.00, paid monthly, paid via PayPal.
- As a NEIS participant, I know how hard it is to get your business started on a very limited budget.
- As a NEIS Participant, I know how a web site is needed, but how expensive they are can make it prohibitive.
- Sure! There’s Godaddy and Crazy Domains who offer incredibly cheap hosting, but to get it for the advertised monthly price, you have to buy 10 years worth of hosting in one hit. e.g. $3.50 x 12 x 10 = $420. That’s a lot of money to have to come up with when you are receiving about $270 a week while you strive to build your business.
- You will need to verify your NEIS membership.
Enter U-Global Hosting for NEIS Participants. If you are a current NEIS participant, I’ll let you have an account with adequate resources to get you started for just AUD $3 a month, paid by a monthly PayPal subscription for 12 months. Now, as I’m sure you can tell, I am not going to get rich with this offer. I’m doing it for the above-stated reasons. Simply to help. The package is basic, but you will be hosted on the same servers and at the same speed as I host my own sites, so there are no disadvantages because of the price you are paying.
The Steps
For those not familiar with purchasing a domain name and registering your business name. Make sure they are both available and that they match before you purchase. ie. if you are plan to register then make sure My Beaut Business is available at ASIC, and vise-versa.
- Are you going to operate under a business name.
- No? Check item 1.2
- Do you need an ABN anyway? If you are going to operate some kind of business operation, you’ll need an ABN anyway.
- Yes? go to 1.3.1
- No? Go to item 3.
- Yes? You’ll need an ABN.
- Do you have an ABN?
- Yes? Continue to item 2.
- No? Click here, then once you have completed that step, return to this page and proceed to item 2 if you need a business name, or 3. if you don’t.
- Do you have an ABN?
- Go to ASIC web site and check that your business name is available. If it is, go to step 2.
- If not, try again until you have identified an available business name that represents your product or service. Complete step 2 before registering your business name.
- I am highly competitive in the hosting arena. I can offer domain registration services, but I cannot compete with the big boys, so I specialise in what I’m good at – Hosting. Go to or (I can’t compete with their pricing. and key in your desired domain name, which matches your business name.
- Selecting your domain name
- It’s best to go for a domain, rather than a .com if you are operating in or from Australia. .com is an American domain. Sometimes people just look at the extension. if it doesn’t say then they click on the next one that does. You miss the sale.
- Do not take a second tier domain like if the is taken. The will get a higher percentage of your hard-earned and expensive traffic if you do. Use only first tier domain names unless you are going for a or something like that.
- If is available, register it while you are on the page looking at it. I have had a domain name I wanted disappear over-night. Why? Because the domain registrar gets a list of all searched domain names. If he sees one he thinks could be a winner, he’ll register it out from under your nose, with the intent of selling it for thousands of dollars, so act now. A domain will cost you about $24 for 2 years regardless of whether you use Crazy or Godaddy. You cannot register a .au domain for just 12 months that I am aware of. It’s a 2 year minimum.
- If not, return to step 1. and try again. There’s no point in selecting a business name for which you can’t have the matching domain name, & vise-versa. There’s also no point in going for a second tier domain extension because you like the name. You’ll lose traffic if you do.
- Once you have a match between your desired business name and your domain name, register your both your business name and domain name. You don’t want someone else taking one or the other of your business or domain names while you are in the process of establishing your business.
- Once you have registered both names, login to your Domain Registrar domain management panel and set the DNS pointers to:
- Complete the form below. All fields except Address 2 are required to fulfill Australian and International tracking law requirements.
- You can cancel at any time without penalty, you just forfeit the balance of what you have paid, which is about 10c a day for any outstanding days.
- Full terms and conditions, disclaimer and privacy statement are on the subscribe page. Please read them before you hit the subscribe button.